William's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
The name William is actually of Germanic descent but became popular (widely and wildly) after William the Conqueror became the first Norman King of England. Meaning "resolute guardian" (or "strong-willed protector"), it is a very fitting name for this senior boy who is very proud and protective of his car (too bad it's not German - ha!) and also quite determined that enough senior pictures were enough! :) In all seriousness, William, a 2015 at Prestonwood Christian Academy, IS very into his car... not only for driving but also in trying to learn to maintain and fix it on his own. And, just like the senior I photographed before him, William is also very minimalistic when it comes to photos of himself. But, in some ways, that's why I love photographing senior boys... most of them are doing it for their moms and there's something about that that makes me smile! I sure hope that this sneak peek of his photos will make both William AND his mom smile... And I also sure wish William the best of luck and fun... with his car and with this last year of school!