William F's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
Handsome as Prince... a Conqueror on the soccer field... as smart and thoughtful as a distinguished Poet or Playwright... William, Tell me! Will you one day be famous, too? Will you go boldly where no man has gone before? :) Though THAT remains to be seen, there is one thing that we can see right now... a sneak peek of his senior photos! Not sure if it was his easy smile and demeanor, his polished look and awesome clothes, or his ability to relax and pose at the same time, but William had it positively going ON the day we took his photos... they are some of my all-time favorites, in fact! William will graduate from Jesuit College Preparatory School in May and then head to Rice University where he plans to study biology/pre-med this Fall. And avid player that he is, he'll likely play some club or college soccer while he's at it, there. Quite obviously, William has got it going on in more ways than ONE... he has success written all over his future! Best of luck and many thanks for a fantastic session, William!