Steven's Senior Pictures at Frisco Heritage Museum & Frisco Central Park
Not his, but definitely your FIRST LOOK AT STEVEN, a recent 2016 graduate of Legacy Christian Academy. Steven is Soft-Spoken, Serious, and Super Smart... which is probably why he was Salutatorian of his Senior class. That's a lot of words Starting with "S" in one "Sentence"... was going for a record, but I probably fell just Short of that - ha ha! One thing's for Sure, though... Steven certainly did not fall Short on much of anything while at LCA... this Studious member of the National Honor Society was also captain of the LCA varsity football team... which just goes to Show that you can be brainy and brawny... or, well, Something like that! :) Steven Set his Sights on attending Texas A&M and, of course, admission was no problem for this top 10 Senior. And I'm Sure that he will have continued Success as he embarks on this next - and very fun - path of life. Too bad I am not having more Success... at beating my record of 8 "S" words in one Sentence, that is - ha ha again! Best of luck and CONGRATS to Steven (and his parents)!