Reid's Senior Pictures at Prairie Creek Park
We had SUCH a dark and dismal (also cold and windy, AARRGGHH!) day for Reid's senior shoot... So good thing that he has SUCH a warm and friendly smile and personality... Seriously, what a difference a great attitude makes! Reid is a Senior at JJ Pearce High School and his favorite thing to do when he's not at school, riding his bike, or hanging with friends is cook... You gotta love a man that can cook! His specialty (and favorite food... coincidence?!) is Asian food... stir fry and more. I wonder if thinking about this a bit earlier caused me to have Chinese food for lunch just now - ha! But I digress, though Reid does not... he's planning to take his love for stoves, ovens, grills and other kitchen hardware right to Culinary School. Best of luck to you, future Chef Reid... hope I find you at my favorite restaurant in a few years! :)