Nicala's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
FIRST LOOK AT NICALA... a unique and beautiful name for a girl that's just the same! I was, in fact, intrigued by her name... and the names of her brother and sisters, too (Kennedy, Jaxx, Vivi Lane). Gotta love the creative thought that goes into picking names like those! Speaking of creative, Nicala, a 2016 Senior at Trinity Christian Academy definitely has a creative bent... A performer at heart, she sings, plays guitar, and loves acting... so much so that she plans to major in theatre in college in order to fulfill her passion and dream of becoming a working actress! How awesome to not only know what you want, but have the determination to make it happen... at age 18! Nicala also likes to read and, as I've said before, anyone that loves books is... well, super okay in my book! Nicala, sure hope you have a fantastic last semester of high school and that you land the perfect role as first, a student in a great college theatre program and then beyond that, on the stage or on screen!