Morgan's Senior Pictures at Frisco Central Park
Last - but certainly not least - of my 2014 Seniors is Morgan! Yet another spring "outdoor photo wind victim" we had to re-schedule her session a couple of times, hoping for a more "hair-friendly" day. It finally worked out... literally just days before she graduated! With The Einstein School's May 4th commencement, Morgan is one of the early grads... in more than one way, actually. As it turns out, Morgan JUST turned 16 (can you say Doogie Howser, MD?!) So yes, she's super smart... and super nice and super cute and super fashionable and up-to-date. In fact, you might want to ask if there's anything NOT so super about her...?!?! I can name only one thing - she really can't jump. Seriously, we tried a "jumping" graduation photo and, well, just not in Morgan's wheelhouse. But let's just put it this way... Morgan has one of the brightest futures of anyone I know and well, if there comes a time that she needs to jump, she can just pay me to do a little Photoshop magic - ha ha! CONGRATS, Morgan on your graduation and the start of your early college career! And WOO HOO, 2014 Senior wrap! :)