Meaghan's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
FIRST LOOK at MEAGHAN... a 2016 Senior @ Allen High School! Meaghan is the first (and only, thus far) senior that wears glasses that actually thought and planned ahead such that she went to her optometrist and got a pair of her frames without the glass for her photo shoot! I was SOOO impressed! If she thinks/plans like this all of the time, there is no doubt that great things will be in store for her... she will make great things happen! Of course she first has to get through her senior year of high school, which starts up in just a week. I'm sure that she'll dive right in and make a splash, though... and that is is totally NOT a joke, being as she's a member of the the AHS swim team! Go, Meaghan, go! Hope you have an awesome year, both in and out of the water. And hope you and your family enjoy this first look at your photos, too! :)