Matson's Senior Pictures in McKinney
On a scale of 1 to 10, Matson is probably an 11... if we're rating totally kick-ass cowboys, that is! (I'm I allowed to write that on Facebook? If not, oops, too late.) Anyhow, I can't imagine anyone wearing a hat any better. Or boots... check out those BOOTS! I think he may have a pair in every color. Well, probably not pink - ha ha! As it turns out, Matson is not all-cowboy, all-the-time. We actually did a few "city shots" before we moved on out to the country (some BEAUTIFUL private property that I would love to have access to all of the time). Anyhow, it was totally fun and totally cool to photograph this senior at McKinney High School. And I certainly wish him a totally cool and totally fun future - graduation, college, then beyond... whether that beyond involves hunting, riding, and roping, farm business management, or some crazy city job! Enjoy the sneak peek, Matson & Fam!