Luke's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
Okay, so there's Luke Perry and Luke Bryan and Luke Wilson... but the Luke that springs to my mind first and foremost isn't even a real person... Luke Skywalker is, to me, the most famous Luke of all. And so I figure that most young guys out there today with a first name of Luke were probably so-named by their dads, all of whom were looking forward to the day they could announce... "I am your father, Luke"! :) Okay, maybe not, but whatever the reason, Luke is a great name and THIS Luke is a great kid with a great smile! And the more he smiled, well... the more he smiled. In fact, he had a tough time pulling off a serious look at first - he kept cracking up, instead. Definitely rather have that problem than the reverse, right?! Luke came around to all kinds of looks eventually, though... thoughtful, sad/forlorn, even a sophisticated GQ look. Maybe there's some hidden acting talent going on (I DID mention Luke Wilson and Luke Perry, right?! Ha!) No, actually, THIS Luke, a senior at Plano Senior High, is quite a talented - and very smart/entertaining - writer. And though he plans to major in business in college, I think his writing skills will end up taking him places! Maybe even Alderaan or Tatooine... yep, THAT far! Luke, best of luck to you whatever you do and WHEREVER you go! And thank you, family of Luke, for being so patient to see some of his photos... May have taken almost as much time as it did for Star Wars Episode V to hit theatres... :)