Josh's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
FIRST LOOK AT JOSH... who 1) must be "fighting them off" and 2) who is the single reason that I now have a ZZ Top song stuck in my head... 'Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man! Seriously, this friendly, easy-going, and handsome young man was definitely looking good for his senior photo session. And Josh may well BE fighting the girls, off, but they are just going to have to wait, if so. Or follow him - potentially all the way from Legacy Christian Academy in Frisco to John Hopkins University in Baltimore Maryland (though he technically is considering a few other colleges, still, for his planned pre-med major). Josh is a serious student... so much so that even after 8 years of music studies (piano and saxophone) he opted out of marching band so that he didn't take too much time out of his schoolwork. However, he is not ALL work and no play... he runs and participates in several track team events - his best, I'm told is pole-vaulting! I don't think I've ever even known a pole-vaulter before, so that is totally cool. Even more cool? The fact that this kid has only one more semester of high school before he pole-vaults his way right on "up and over" to a super bright future! The world is waiting... so Go, Josh Goh!  :)