Jacob's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
FIRST LOOK AT JACOB... a fun, friendly, congenial 2016 Senior who did not disappoint... he continued my streak of tall, handsome senior boys! At LEAST 6'3", Jacob plays (played, I guess, since the season is well over now) offensive lineman for Trinity Christian Academy. And though football has been a big part of his high school days, it's definitely not been his only interest. In fact, if variety is the spice of life, Jacob's life is like a red hot chili pepper! He is also on the golf team and involved in theater/drama -- he was in last year's musical and will be in this year's, as well. He's even learning to tap dance (but no, I could NOT get him to demonstrate... pretty sure he was afraid I would take a quick pic and use it for blackmail - ha ha!) Jacob also has a real sense of style - his own and very unique style, I might add. At his first clothing change, he appeared with an honest-to-goodness WOODEN bow tie! Have you ever heard of or seen such a thing?! I certainly had not... totally different! Sounds like Jacob will be keeping it interesting and busy (and I'm sure fun) over the next 4 years, too. After he graduates from TCA, he is headed to Auburn to major in business, most likely international business (he's been to China twice and absolutely loves it, so who knows where that will take him)?! Thanks for a super fun session, Jacob. Hope you and your family enjoy the photos. And may the spice of life always be with you!