Jackson's Senior Pictures at St. Andrew UMC *and* Trinity Christian Academy
FIRST LOOK AT JACKSON... whose name, according to Urban Dictionary, suggests that he is "a person of high energy and appeal" with intensity, spontaneity, and enthusiasm that are both inspiring and, at times, exhausting. However, "he is easily loved and a pure joy to all who meet him. His zest for life is contagious." Judging from just the time I spent with Jackson at his senior photo session, I'd say that the Urban Dictionary is spot on! Jackson, a very handsome and athletic 2016 Senior at Trinity Christian Academy, was keenly interested and dynamic and actually even had several ideas of his own for a few photos... incorporating a Texas state flag, his big bad black truck, and, of course, some of his baseball gear. Speaking of ideas, Jackson has a pretty good idea as to where he would like to attend college... anywhere that he can play baseball! A catcher for the TCA Trojans, he is definitely "Action Jackson" when on the field... lively and dynamic, rigorous and focused... well, just living up to his name, I guess!  And hopefully his senior photos will live up to expectations.. :) Jackson, thanks for a very fun and spirited session... and best of luck in all things baseball, college, and life beyond!