Jack's Senior Pictures in Downtown Plano
FIRST LOOK AT JACK... a most handsome 2016 Senior at Trinity Christian Academy. "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick..." and he IS, for sure... he HAS to be, seriously good wrestler that he is. We actually needed to get Jack's senior pictures done before his season began and he had to start cutting weight to compete. Not that he appears to have any weight to cut but then again, I don't know jack about wrestling... except for the fact that there are weight classes. And Jack is definitely a champion - in fact, a real crackerjack - in his class. During his junior year he studied and competed at Wyoming Seminary in Pennsylvania and ended up ranked as one of the top wrestlers... in the nation! Which just goes to show that you can't put Jack in a box... ha ha, just couldn't resist! Jack may not be in a box but he is now BACK... in his hometown and at school with his friends for his senior year. Hope your senior year is like winning a big jackpot, Jack. Or at least as great as you look in your photos!