Hannah's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
FIRST LOOK AT HANNAH... a beautiful 2016 Senior at Plano West. While HANNAH may or may not be A NUT FOR A JAR OF TUNA, one thing is certain... her name is a palindrome -- spelled the same, forwards or backwards! Of course, I'm not sure I've ever even seen a "jar" of tuna... I thought it came in a can. And anyway, I PREFER PI... err... pie! I'm also completely digressing here... oops! Back (or forward) to HANNAH! This gorgeous girl has a TOP SPOT on the winning Plano West volleyball team... she plays Libero, meaning that she is either "the" (or one of the) team's most-skilled defensive players... her STATS likely speak for themselves! HANNAH is currently undecided as to whether or not she'll try to play volleyball in college but with Baylor, A&M or OU all currently on her RADAR, she may be looking at some very stiff, high-LEVEL competition. As the youngest of 5 kids, I'm sure HANNAH is used to some rivalry and competition, though. I'm sure she could tell a few SAGAS... err... stories about that, too. WE FEW that come from bigger families can all do that. The other thing we can do is recognize that we're about to wear out our audience. Please DON'T NOD off, though, before I wish HANNAH the very best... with Senior year and beyond, wherever she may land and whatever she may do! Chances are NEVER ODD OR EVEN that she'll do great, no matter. (Okay, I'll stop now, I promise!)