Haley's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
Haley's senior photo session was a ton of fun! Not only because she is gorgeous (and who DOESN'T like to photograph a pretty senior girl) but also because she had a few different tricks up her sleeve! I've photographed cheerleaders, dancers, artists, musicians, blooming photographers, etc. But never have I had the chance to photograph a senior girl who loves BOXING and LONGBOARDING! Totally made my day... got to try all kinds of cool shots with bright pink gloves and even a photo of Haley in her cap and gown, cruising down the side street on her board! Go Haley! And Haley, a Senior at The Colony High School is going to go... right up to the podium to grab her diploma, then off to Lubbock and Texas Tech! I'm not pulling any punches when I say that I hope you cruise right through college, Haley, and then take the world by storm! Enjoy the sneak peek and looking forward to showing you the rest of your photos! :)