Graham's Senior Pictures at Frisco Heritage Museum
FIRST LOOK AT GRAHAM... and I almost want to call him "Golden Graham" because he kinda IS, with his awesome, wavy blond hair and blue eyes! However, that's a cereal (not to be confused with TEDDY Grahams which is a cookie/snack) and so perhaps I'd better get my mind off food and onto this 2016 Senior at JJ Pearce High School! Graham is easy-going and laid back and totally an outdoors kind of guy - he loves hunting and fishing and rugged-type sports. I guess he's kind of a cowboy when you get right down to it... because he's also a member of Stampede - a boot-kickin', hat-wearin' country-western swing dance/stunt team. And Graham will be even to be MORE of a Cowboy soon enough... he's been accepted to and plans to attend Oklahoma State University come next fall... yeehaw!  :)  I didn't catch what he plans to study, but whether he leans more towards Alexander Graham Bell-type greatness or Graham Nash-type greatness, one thing is for sure... his great name, looks, and attitude is bound to take him on to great things! Congrats, Graham, on your OSU acceptance and best of luck with the rest of your senior year!