Fiona's Senior Pictures at Adriatica
FIRST LOOK at FIONA... a 2016 Senior at McMinnville High School... in McMinnville, Oregon, no less! And if it sounds a little crazy that a Plano-Texas-based photographer would be taking senior pictures for someone from Oregon well, it's kind of a crazy story how that came to be... But I'm definitely GLAD it came to be, because Fiona turned out to be crazy sweet, crazy fun, and crazy beautiful! Which made for a crazy good session! Seriously, Fiona and her dog, Fergie (who also made the trip down to Texas) were absolutely adorable... and very good sports, too, in spite of the crazy hot temps! Fiona would actually have loved to have a few photos with her horse... and even her cow... but there was no way to get them here... crazy airline regulations (ha!) As you can probably tell, Fiona loves all things animal... so much so that I was surprised when she said that she was planning to study to be a nurse (vs. a veterinarian) once she graduates from high school next spring. Then again, someone that loves animals that much might have a crazy hard time when her animal friends and clients got super sick or worse, right?! Though she doesn't know exactly WHERE she'll study yet, it will likely be in Texas, since she'll be moving (back) here after graduation! Yes, that is a hint into the crazy story of my doing Fiona's senior pictures... she used to live here and so thank you very much, USPS, for forwarding my marketing postcards! Anyhow, best of luck to Fiona (and all of her furry friends) on this last year of high school and last year in Oregon. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek, as well as this crazy little write-up! (Hey, I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane!)