Davis' Senior Pictures in Downtown Plano
According to the Urban Dictionary, someone named Davis is (among other things) a smart, funny, and fresh to death guy, with great hair who is usually a skater or surfer and that likes emo music but is the total opposite of emo. Does it make me really old if I only understand about half of that?!? What I DO know and understand is that the handsome and smart senior boy that I recently photographed named Davis is a SUPER nice young man who plays a mean game of TENNIS! Call me old-fashioned (better than calling me old) but that is way better than being a fresh to death emo surfer.. or whatever! In ANY event, we got some great shots of Davis and just in the nick of time, too, since he will graduate ~one month from now from Parish Episcopal School. Not long after that, he'll head out to Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi to get some great shots of his own - he'll be playing tennis for them! Oh, and I guess he'll study (likely business) while he's there, too - ha ha! Best of luck, Davis, as you move your tassel from right to left, then head east to move both right and left (and up and back) on the courts at Millsaps!