David's Senior Pictures in Frisco
I'm sensing just a bit of a trend, lately, to do senior photos right smack in your own backyard... or maybe your grandparent's backyard. That's just what we did for David, a senior at Frisco High School recently and I must admit... it was in many ways better than the local park! And since we also included his brother (we're always happy to do that at LABphotography) and even one of the family cats in a few shots, the shoot had a decidedly family/home-y feel. David, an avid swimmer (hence the photo by the pool) is looking at small, mostly Texas-based colleges for his undergraduate studies... after which he plans to attend law school, following in his mom's footsteps. The nut doesn't generally fall too far from the tree, I always say. And I can also say (at least this time around) that this particular nut err... senior boy... looks pretty good standing right beside a tree, as well! Nice suit, David! :)