Catherine & Elizabeth's Senior Pictures @ Frisco Heritage Museum
(Not their, but your) FIRST LOOK AT CATHERINE & ELIZABETH... a beautiful set of twins with very individual looks, very separate personalities, and very distinct interests!  While it was fun (though confusing) to photograph identical twins just a few weeks ago, it was nice to mix things up this time around... and definitely nice not to mix THEM up!  :)  Though both girls will graduate in spring of 2016 from Prestonwood Christian Academy and both are involved in theater, much of the similarity between them ends there.  Elizabeth is on the swim team and is a member of the pep squad (the UN-cheerleaders). She also works on the "dark side" of theater with sets and props. Contrast that with Catherine, a dancer and thespian, who is very involved ON stage. Catherine was also in competitive cheer for years but it took so much time that she has opted for pom squad to finish out senior year. So different strokes for different folks, even if you are twins, right?  And hey, different is good (just ask Arby's!)  On the other hand, Catherine and Elizabeth ARE looking at some of the same colleges.  But really how perfect is that?!  Travel together, but take short little diverging paths all along the way!  Elizabeth and Catherine, thank you for a great session and best of luck to the PAIR of you and also EACH of you!  :)