Carolina's Senior Pictures @ Capricorn Equestrian Center
FIRST LOOK at CAROLINA... a super cute 2016 Senior at JJ Pearce High School! Carolina LOVES horses (especially her horse, Aries) and plans to attend West Texas A&M to study Equine Science. She also loves music... she plays french horn (mellophone during marching season) in the JJPHS band AND also has/plays a pink ukulele. I have to say that I would have loved to get some shots of her with that ukulele, but we were pretty darn busy with her horse... who was busy trying to chew on his bridle, eat grass, and figure out how to get Carolina to take him out to the pasture so he could hang with his BFF, Zeus! (Did you know that horses have BFFs?) Bottom line was that Aries was less than interested in having his picture taken... but we fortunately managed to get some great shots anyhow! Thanks for a very fun session, Carolina (and Lisa and Chrystal - it was definitely a team effort)! Enjoy your sneak peek (gallery coming soon) and have a super fun Senior Year!  :)