Cameron's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
FIRST LOOK AT CAMERON... yet another tall and handsome 2016 senior and I will ask once again, how are all these kids growing up so dang tall these days?! Good thing I have a ladder but if this trend continues, think I'm going to have to trade it in for one with an additional rung! All kidding aside, I really may have to... Cameron's brother came along to hop into a few photos and, even though he is just turning 13, he already wears a size 14 shoe. Wowza! But I slightly digress... and so back to the headliner, here... Cameron, who plays saxophone in the band, attends and will graduate from Trinity Christian Academy this coming spring. He is currently planning to attend either the University of Arkansas OR SMU... both fine choices and maybe he'll major in genetics or survival of the fittest (does that even SOUND like a major?) or modern nutrition or some-such-thing and help me figure this whole tallness trend out! Ha ha, I am so funny I forgot to laugh. Anyhow... Cameron (and his brother) were super cool customers... great wardrobes (thanks to mom), laid back, and willing to pose what probably seemed like eleventy-hundred times! Best of luck and CONGRATS to him on his upcoming graduation and beyond!