Billy's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
I love overcast days, I truly do. First of all, the sky is way more interesting with clouds... I mean, seriously, just how boring is a completely cloud-less day? But secondly and most importantly, overcast days are great for taking photos. You can go ANYWHERE and do anything... ANYTHING! The sky's the limit! And so don't you know that I was plenty happy when it turned up plenty cloudy the day of Billy's senior photo session! I knew we could get plenty of great shots of him with his awesome red Dodge Challenger... in a super great spot that was usually hard to work with. And so we did... yeah, baby! Of course we got several other good shots under those cloudy skies. Speaking of which... Billy, a senior at McKinney Boyd plans to attend The University of Arizona come Fall where he will major in Computer Science (so CLOUD) and minor in Astronomy (and SKY)! Gotta love how this all ties together, right?! CONGRATS, Billy on your upcoming graduation. Hope you and your family enjoy this "sneak peek". More to come soon!