Analiese's Senior Pictures @ Elmstead Farms
Analiese... a beautiful name for a beautiful girl... with a beautiful horse to boot. And can it get any better than photographing all of that beauty, right at sunset? I think not! But I will say this, photographing a horse can be a real challenge, especially if you haven't done it before. They aren't particularly fond of things like flashes, stands, and softboxes! Good thing this horse was particularly fond of his owner/rider/friend (his "girl")! I think she may have whispered a thing or two in his ear to calm him down... :) Analiese, a 2015 Senior at Trinity Christian Academy certainly loves her horse, Brick. And it sounds as if she does quite well in competition with him, too. The most amazing thing was seeing her get up on him, bareback... Brick is one big, BIG horse... Analiese? Not so big. But she hopped up there like a pro, comfortable as anything. (I'll be doing a bonus "sneak peek" of that photo a bit later.) Hope you enjoy and your family enjoy this little "sneak peek" now, Analiese. You'll see lots more (especially with Brick) in your full set. And here's hoping that your senior year is as big, bright, and fun as your horse!