Ally's Senior Pictures in Downtown McKinney
FIRST LOOK AT ALLY... a girl after my own heart or, should I say... with interests right up my ALLEY!  :)  This pretty and smart 2016 Senior at Prestonwood Christian Academy loves to read! And she loves math and science, too. Which sounds an awful lot like me, about a million years ago, when I was a HS Senior. Of course now there are printed (and even electronic) books... you don't have to read hieroglyphics on the cave wall. Ha ha, just said that before someone else did! Anyhow, this bright young lady's future is anything but a blind ALLEY! Currently a member of PCA's Science Olympiad Team, she plans to attend Sam Houston University where she will study Forensic Science - Ally totally pictures herself working in a lab someday (which will likely be quite a bit more lucrative than working in a photo lab... her plan is obviously better than mine - ha ha again!). Ally it was such fun to meet and work with you on your senior pictures! You definitely have a bright road ahead of you - no back ALLEY jobs for you (couldn't resist) and I wish you much fun, luck, and happiness in your last semester of high school and onward into college (where the real fun begins)! You go, girl!