Ali's Senior Pictures at Prairie Creek Park
When we first started her session, Ali was a bit quiet, shy, and not super sure that she was going to like being the center of attention. But she warmed up fast and, before I knew it, she was stylin' like the best of them! A 2015 senior at Parish Episcopal, Ali loves art (she is seriously talented) and her dog, Paisley. And Paisley, named after Brad actually, definitely had no qualms about getting her picture taken... in fact, she LOVED it. I have never met a dog like her... she absolutely sat still, posed, and smiled (oh yes, she did) for the camera. Every.single.time. It was a very fun session and both Ali and her dog are simply adorable! Best of luck to Ali as she finishes up her high school years and heads on out to college, where I hope to hear that she studies art, graphics, or something in that general area since she IS so talented. On the other hand, maybe she'll become a pet photographer... she's got the perfect model to practice on! :)