Blog - Addison Circle
Scotty's Senior Pictures in Addison Circle
So much for my 2016 Senior catch-up plan... obviously it's more like a ketchup plan... pouring VERY slowly from the bottle (and if Carly Simon's song "Anticipation" is now springing to mind, well, that just means you're old like me - ha ha!) ANYHOW, at ...
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Hunter's Senior Pictures in Addison Circle AND at Trinity Christian Academy
2015 Senior session #3 and we're starting to roll, now...! This particular session was with Hunter and can I just say (am I ALLOWED to say) what a good looking kid he is?! Fact is, #1 I don't actually have to say it - you can see for yourself - but ...
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Mitchell's Senior Pictures in Addison Circle
Every time I photograph a guy named Mitchell (which was zero times until this year and now it's 2 times), I find myself wanting to call out "Hey, Mitch". You know... Hunger Games...?! "Here's some advice. Stay alive?!" THAT Haymitch! Anyhow, though it ...
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